As we entered the war I thought of how my life had been so short. Why had was I born human if I was destined to wolf? Why hadn't I just been born a wolf women? Well who cares what I was born as. I am a wolf women now. We get in trough what looks like a sewage pipe. I cant be sure about it. The smell is horrific with the wolf nose. As we emerge from the pipe my suspicions are proven correct. We are in the toilet. An alien appears from a cubicle and shrieks an alarm. @?$%^ @?$%^ I cant understand it. But before we can attack more come from the cubicles surrounding us entirely. There is no escape. They rope us up and lead us to cells near what I suspect is the center of the ship which is where what we are after is being held. Jordan keeps yelling at the top of his lungs for help but no one comes for us. Eventually we reach them. I see a small flicker of movement in one of the cells. What was it? What ever it was it probably didn't want attention drawn to it. I kept quiet. They throw us into separate cells. [Cairo don't go spirit yet wait until there gone] They left I waited 10 minutes making sure they wouldn't come back. As I went spirit I had a warm stickily feeling. Then I was the spirit wolf. I flew though the wall it separated us no more. I looked around his cell there was another Lombax there. Looked like a female one Jordan was crouching over her crooning what sounded like a lullaby. She woke to the face of another Lombax and didn't even try to hide her amazement. "So your the new guy I'm Lola" I couldn't believe it Jordan had said there were none left. "I'm Jordan" he then explained why we were here (although it was more like why he was here alone) . She didn't even see me sitting there. She just looked through me. I gave I quiet yap of annoyance. "Oh right, Lola this is my pet wolf Cairo". How dare he call me his pet! I am a noble spirit wolf . I am no ones pet. I chose for my own safety and his to act along. Thing like a pet dog I kept telling myself. "You know Cairo's really well trained. It took me a long time but she is a really good pet now. I know Cairo will have to get used to you Lola, here, hold out your hand and let her sniff it"
"She is so cute and warm. But if shes a true wolf why is her fur real silver at the tips and her underfur laced of diamonds?"
"Shes a hybrid" He said quickly. Before he could say anything else the door burst open and I ran out Jordan and Lola at my heels. I ran for the center of the ship. It must have been night there were no aliens around at all. How convenient. We kept on running until we reached the center chamber. There they were. The runes of power. "Well I don't really need the rune of blitz anymore I have the form I wanted" I debate with myself which to take. Finally I decide on the elemental rune and Jordan grabs the rune of dimension. I feel the power causing throughout me. I feel powerful for a moment before theres a banging on the door. The aliens. Jordan Grabs for Lola makes a black hole and teleports them somewhere. But I have bigger things to worry about. How do I get out? I turn spirit wolf and run up but something happens. I ran to far up and end up in a beautiful world. It has everything needed and more. "Cairo" a voice behind me yells "Child come here" I turn and see something truly amazing. It's my dead uncle Sid calling to me. I turn human and walk to him. "You look just like your cousins"
"Where am I?"
"Child this is the spirit land. It's for the people who are not good nor bad also the animals"
"Why am I here? I cant have died"
"No you didn't die. You are here for a mission. Its very important that it is completed."
"What is it?"
"You must gather your friends and fight against the bad and evil aliens. Do you think you can do that Cairo?"
"I think so uncle"
"Good. You must go now Cairo. I shall see you soon"
"Good bye" Then it all started fading and I was in the center of the island. Mr Lyttle was walking toward me. "Who's there?" he called in a soft voice. [It's only me sir] He jumped as I transported this into his mind. "Wait are you the strange wolf in the middle of the clearing?"
[Yes] He jumped again [How did you get here? Do you know where are the others are?]
"No sorry"
[That's fine after all wolves have brilliant noses. I can just follow the scent trails]
"OK then. Hey are you alone?"
[Yes. Why?]
"Would you like to camp with me tonight?"
[Sure. I can update you about the stuff that's been happening to me and Jordan]
"OK then. Lets go find a good place to camp"
[Mr Lyttle if we want I good spot by night fall we are going to have to be fast, very fast. In other words get on my back and we can ran as fast as the wind]
"Um OK lets go" It took him a little while to get on. I am so big now I have to lie down for a full grown man to get on. [Ready Mr?]
[Hold on tight] Then we were flying across the meadow. I heard my passenger take a sharp breath. Perhaps it was a bit fast for him. I slowed a little. Heading towards the ice cream pool I kept up a good pace, and it wasn't long before we reached it. I stopped and stooped down low to let the teacher off. He was shaking a little but otherwise fine. I started to use my powers for the first time. First I bent some trees to make sort of cave for Mr Lyttle to sleep in. Then I made a circle of stones on the ground for a small fire place. I ran off to get some wood leaving him sitting on the ground outside the cave still a little shaky. It didn't take to long to find some. I lit a small fire. I loved these new powers. They helped so much. "How did you do that?"
[Elemental rune. It was hard to get, no normal human could withstand what I went through to get these. Anyway how did you get here? I didn't see you on the plane. Mr Woody said you were not allowed to come. He said Robin wouldn't let you]
"I got on to the plane with you guys. I hid from sight. Then the plane crashed I saw all of you get out I helped Andrew up when we crashed he had a broken leg last I saw. So that's it how about you? Whats been happening?" I told him about everything that we had been through. [...and so none of us have seen Mr Woody since] I concluded. "Well I'm very tired it has been a very long day. Good night Cairo"
[Good night]
P.S I don't really have a dead uncle Sid
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Day 8
I try to wake up. Its still dark. I go back to sleep. I wake up about three hours later. First I have a little pig then I ran to the tree hut. The sunlight sparkles on my fur. It's warm outside and very sunny. As I run toward the hut I hear voices "Isaac I don't believe it you cant do it, you can not get that radio to work let alone pick up a signal and get help. Even so think what would happen to Cairo she can never lead a normal life even with her powers. Why put her through that?"
"Well look at the awesome science behind her in the future if scientists get hold of you and her they could discover the secret of shape shifting."
"Just like you always thinking of yourself of science. I bet you couldn't give a raccoons tail about what awful tests they may run on us. As long as you get your powers right?"
My ears could hear every word even though I was still 500 meters away from them. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Isaac didn't care what happened to me and Jordan. The ones who stuck by him when no one else did. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it with my own ears. I started running again. Why would Isaac, one of my best friends, say something like that? If wolves could cry I would be in a lake by now. But the feeling I had now was worse than tears. It was indescribably painful. It felt as though I had been ripped to shreds and then I had been put in a fire. If you have ever had one of your best friends go telling your worst enemy your darkest secrets or some other form of back stabbing you will know about 1/100 of the pain I'm felling now. I stopped again this time just under the hut and howled in sorrow. "Isaac in leaving you, you can have all my stuff. I don't need it. I don't need you either. Cairo do you want to come with me?" He yelled
[Yes, why stay with a guy who wants to sell me off for science]
"Cairo's with me Isaac good bye"
Then we left. We walked for 10 minutes then Jordan had an idea. He turn to ratchet and put mind barriers around us. While we walked I tried shape shifting. It took me 4 tries to get it right. After that it was a breeze. turn into my old form, the human. I played around a little changed my eyes from glacier blue to sea green and back again. This was fun. After I had mastered it I turned back to wolf as it was essayer to concentrate. Then attempted telepathy. This took less time than the shape shifting. After all quite a few mutants have it already they just don't know it. [Hey Jordan I just worked out telepathy and shape shifting]
[Good know we can keep quite when walking talking makes noise that other groups may hear. Plus we are walking past the place I last saw Sean. So in short no talking erm howling, growing whatever wolves do]
[Got it. So were are we going?]
[Under the island to the war]
[How do we get there?]
[First we go to the edge of the valley I tell you more later]
[OK] We continued at a jog but it just wasn't fast enough for the wolf. I started running full speed. I could feel the wind whistling though my fur as the trees seemed to rash past me. I picked up a movement in the bushes beside me. It wasn't Jordan. It was something else. I stopped just as it burst out of the bushes. It looked like a squirrel but it wasn't. I watched it while I waited for Jordan to catch up to me. Whatever it was it was intelligent. Jordan showed up and scared it off. I looked up and realised why it had been scared. Looking back at me was Ratchet. [Nice] We carried on in silence. I jogged with him this time. We finally reached the valley. Jordan multiplied and turned the other him into clank. He latched onto Jordan's back. "Tomorrow I will turn an object into a land stalker so we can train."
[OK then]
"Hang on I'm going to have some fun" Then I put his hands to his head and concentrated. Soon after he did this a giant pool of ice cream popped up at the end of the valley. Then as quick as the ice cream pool had come I pile of round things popped up next to them. [What are they?]
"These are ice cream plates. They are the key to all this" He said as he pointed towards the ice cream pool "And I have made it never ending anyone can enter it with the plates. It will never melt."
[Wonderful. Do you want me to fly over the island and hand them out?]
[C ya later then] Just as I was transforming something happened. Something amazing. I was still a wolf but I didn't feel solid any more. "Cairo" Jordan gasped. "Your a spirit wolf" I tried going back to normal form. It worked. I was back to the full solid wolf. [Amazing] I tried shape shifting into something other than spirit wolf. I could only do one thing. Human, but not my human form. I was an adult . Beautiful. With long silky black hair. Gold eyes, like my wolfs eyes. The sun appeared from behind the trees. My skin looked kind of like the vampires off twilight. Just a little dimer. It must be the diamonds from wolf form. "Will you approach them in wolf or human?" Jordan asked "I will travel in spirit wolf but I will change as I draw closer." Just then I realized I wasn't naked. I had a silver dress on. Silk. "OK I'll go now"
"See you soon then" Then I was off on my quest. Running is an instinct and I was a spirit so I went right though objects. All I had to concentrate on was the others thoughts. I only found half of them. I think a few were in some sort of force field thing so I couldn't read their minds. I chose to go to the boys in wolf form as I didn't want to be waiting half an hour to get moving again. Eventually I was back with Jordan. It was getting dark and I cant control the wolf at night. I dropped in on Jordan ,in human, to tell him that I could only find a certain amount. So he put the rest just out side the force field he had made. Then made I sign above it read: 'You must be wearing a chest plate to enter the ice cream pool. Each one has a name on it and DNA censors if you put anyone else's on it will shock you severely. If you don't want to carry yours around leave it on the hook with your name on it.' After this I wandered off to find a place to sleep. We had to have a good sleep tonight because tomorrow we will enter the war. [Night Jordan]
[Night Cairo] But sleep eluded me for quite awhile. But I got there eventually.
Art will be posted soon
"Well look at the awesome science behind her in the future if scientists get hold of you and her they could discover the secret of shape shifting."
"Just like you always thinking of yourself of science. I bet you couldn't give a raccoons tail about what awful tests they may run on us. As long as you get your powers right?"
My ears could hear every word even though I was still 500 meters away from them. I stopped in my tracks. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Isaac didn't care what happened to me and Jordan. The ones who stuck by him when no one else did. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't heard it with my own ears. I started running again. Why would Isaac, one of my best friends, say something like that? If wolves could cry I would be in a lake by now. But the feeling I had now was worse than tears. It was indescribably painful. It felt as though I had been ripped to shreds and then I had been put in a fire. If you have ever had one of your best friends go telling your worst enemy your darkest secrets or some other form of back stabbing you will know about 1/100 of the pain I'm felling now. I stopped again this time just under the hut and howled in sorrow. "Isaac in leaving you, you can have all my stuff. I don't need it. I don't need you either. Cairo do you want to come with me?" He yelled
[Yes, why stay with a guy who wants to sell me off for science]
"Cairo's with me Isaac good bye"
Then we left. We walked for 10 minutes then Jordan had an idea. He turn to ratchet and put mind barriers around us. While we walked I tried shape shifting. It took me 4 tries to get it right. After that it was a breeze. turn into my old form, the human. I played around a little changed my eyes from glacier blue to sea green and back again. This was fun. After I had mastered it I turned back to wolf as it was essayer to concentrate. Then attempted telepathy. This took less time than the shape shifting. After all quite a few mutants have it already they just don't know it. [Hey Jordan I just worked out telepathy and shape shifting]
[Good know we can keep quite when walking talking makes noise that other groups may hear. Plus we are walking past the place I last saw Sean. So in short no talking erm howling, growing whatever wolves do]
[Got it. So were are we going?]
[Under the island to the war]
[How do we get there?]
[First we go to the edge of the valley I tell you more later]
[OK] We continued at a jog but it just wasn't fast enough for the wolf. I started running full speed. I could feel the wind whistling though my fur as the trees seemed to rash past me. I picked up a movement in the bushes beside me. It wasn't Jordan. It was something else. I stopped just as it burst out of the bushes. It looked like a squirrel but it wasn't. I watched it while I waited for Jordan to catch up to me. Whatever it was it was intelligent. Jordan showed up and scared it off. I looked up and realised why it had been scared. Looking back at me was Ratchet. [Nice] We carried on in silence. I jogged with him this time. We finally reached the valley. Jordan multiplied and turned the other him into clank. He latched onto Jordan's back. "Tomorrow I will turn an object into a land stalker so we can train."
[OK then]
"Hang on I'm going to have some fun" Then I put his hands to his head and concentrated. Soon after he did this a giant pool of ice cream popped up at the end of the valley. Then as quick as the ice cream pool had come I pile of round things popped up next to them. [What are they?]
"These are ice cream plates. They are the key to all this" He said as he pointed towards the ice cream pool "And I have made it never ending anyone can enter it with the plates. It will never melt."
[Wonderful. Do you want me to fly over the island and hand them out?]
[C ya later then] Just as I was transforming something happened. Something amazing. I was still a wolf but I didn't feel solid any more. "Cairo" Jordan gasped. "Your a spirit wolf" I tried going back to normal form. It worked. I was back to the full solid wolf. [Amazing] I tried shape shifting into something other than spirit wolf. I could only do one thing. Human, but not my human form. I was an adult . Beautiful. With long silky black hair. Gold eyes, like my wolfs eyes. The sun appeared from behind the trees. My skin looked kind of like the vampires off twilight. Just a little dimer. It must be the diamonds from wolf form. "Will you approach them in wolf or human?" Jordan asked "I will travel in spirit wolf but I will change as I draw closer." Just then I realized I wasn't naked. I had a silver dress on. Silk. "OK I'll go now"
"See you soon then" Then I was off on my quest. Running is an instinct and I was a spirit so I went right though objects. All I had to concentrate on was the others thoughts. I only found half of them. I think a few were in some sort of force field thing so I couldn't read their minds. I chose to go to the boys in wolf form as I didn't want to be waiting half an hour to get moving again. Eventually I was back with Jordan. It was getting dark and I cant control the wolf at night. I dropped in on Jordan ,in human, to tell him that I could only find a certain amount. So he put the rest just out side the force field he had made. Then made I sign above it read: 'You must be wearing a chest plate to enter the ice cream pool. Each one has a name on it and DNA censors if you put anyone else's on it will shock you severely. If you don't want to carry yours around leave it on the hook with your name on it.' After this I wandered off to find a place to sleep. We had to have a good sleep tonight because tomorrow we will enter the war. [Night Jordan]
[Night Cairo] But sleep eluded me for quite awhile. But I got there eventually.
Art will be posted soon
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Day 7

[How was the run?] the wolf jumped I had forgotten about the telepathy and the wolf didn't even know about such things. [It was very fun. But I saw something don't tell Isaac, but I saw a big were wolf creature it came running after me]
[OK that's kind of strange]
[But it kind of looked like Mr Woodcock, Brown fur and smart brown eyes]
[wouldn't worry about it]
[OK then. still don't tell Issac he will just freak out] I gave him a stern look.
[OK fine I wont tell him]
[Thank you]
Then we ate it was wonderful. mine didn't have crumbs on it. [Hey Jordan can you you take this watch of my wrist and give it to Issac tell him every thing I have is now his apart from the survival blanket that's mine]
"Hey Issac, Cairo says you can have all her stuff except for the blanket she keeps that" Isaac looked at me "Really Cairo?" I nod. "Thank you so much"
Then we go home to the tree hut. Isaac is mounted on Jordan the horse and I'm running solo. Again it feels amazing just to run. To feel the wind in my long fur. It feels free. It feels wild. I let the wolf take control again. She runs towards the beach along the sand it feels wonderful between our claws. She runs towards the hut to find a den close by. She finds one its perfect. Its a small tunnel just where the sand breaks off and turns to forest. She knows the tide cant reach us here. I'm really hungry I haven't eaten since midday and I'm still getting used to not having to eat as often as a wolf. I decide not to eat with the others, it might creep Isaac out. So I started to hunt. I didn't really know much about hunting I hadn't had to do it while we had Jordan and before that Isaac and I had been living off protein bars noodles and plums. So I let the wolf go first I knew she could teach me even with out words. She was after all a natural hunter. Suddenly she picked up a scent interrupting my thoughts. It wasn't to old we didn't have to run for to long, a wild pig we pounced. It wasn't hard to kill and it was young and inexperienced. Meaning tender meat and not to heavy either. I stopped off at the stream to clean my muzzle and have a drink. That's when I took control of our body. I ran back to the tree hut, my kill dragging behind me. The wolf didn't want to share her kill with others, but I wanted to give at least a little to Isaac, he must be getting sick of birds. Isaac took a few stripes of meat and let me have the rest. As soon as we got back to the den we dug in it was delicious, and there was still loads left for tomorrow. Then I remembered something I had to go get. Jogged up to the tree hut.
[Hey Jordan, tell Issac to hand down my blanket]
[OK Cairo]
"Hey Isaac Cairo's here she wants her blanket now!" He called
Something fell down. My blanket.
[Thanks Jordan]
[No problem]
Then I ran off blanket in mouth. Back to the den it, was getting dark. I needed rest it had been a long day. I had a few mouthfuls of pig then went to sleep on my blanket.
P.S I drew that wolf myself and it took along time to do.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Day 6
I woke up at 9:00 tired and alone again. Alone just didn't feel the same on this island at home it was comfy I liked it but here it was well... lonely Scary. I didn't like it this wasn't like at home. You never knew what was going to happen next. I heard shuffling on the ground below. So I poked my head over the edge and low and behold there was another group below me. I clammed my hand over my mouth. I couldn't tell who it was. I stayed completely still. I took a risk and moved to look around Isaac was a few trees away form me looking down at something in the bushes. Something I could only assume was Jordan changing in order to scare our visitors away. He emerged as a sort of dementor thing. It went all cold and dark suddenly it felt I would never be happy again. Ever. It worked the group saw him and ran. I don't think they stopped for awhile. Jordan and Isaac came back to the tree hut. He then turn a twig into some chocolate "Here it will help" he explained. As I ate I thought about his new found powers. He interrupted my thoughts with "Who is hungry"
"Me" and "I am" were our replies. He went to the ground and turned into a Dragon "Come on then" We climbed on. He flew to the lake with amazing speed. As soon as we arrived he dropped us off and dove into the water now in his normal sea snake form. He captured 4 fish and filleted them then turned a tree stump into to an oven and cooked them to perfection after he crumbed them. They were so good after just 5 days of just birds veges and protein bars. "I wish I had powers like that" I commented after we had finished the meal. "Do you want me to give them to you" Jordan asked. I just sat there thinking for a moment or two.
"Yes" I finally answered. He quickly turned a boulder into a uranium chamber. "Lets do this" I said as I stepped in. After that I must have blacked out. There was nothing.
Day 5
We woke up. Nothing was stirring yet. Then at 10:00 am. Still nothing. No sitings. Nothing. At 2:00. Isaac and Jordan coming back from the hunt. Isaac yells something about new powers. Then Jordan turns into a silver surfer but turns back as he reaches the tree hut. I understand what Issac was talking about before. After a long chat while plucking the birds I understood fully. A vision is why he is able to shape shift. Just after 6:00 pm dinner was ready, some plants I had found and the birds from the hunt. Great. "Is there anything else?" Isaac asked.
"Yeah heaps, but leave some for breakfast tomorrow"
After that I went to bed.
"Yeah heaps, but leave some for breakfast tomorrow"
After that I went to bed.
Day four
It was dark when we got up Isaac had awoken me worried about sounds in the trees. It sounded to me like some sort of wolf creature but we couldn't be sure. I lit a fire and made a torch I made one for Isaac two. My reason for using fire was because it sounded like a wolf and wolves were scared of fire. We shone out torches toward the forest and were rewarded with a glimpse of what looked like a werewolf scampering off into the trees. We packed up camp quickly all signs of drowsiness had dispersed. At last we were off toward the tree hut at a fast walk. Although I was tired after about a half hour, and I bet Isaac was to, neither complained. We kept up the pace until about a three hours after sunrise we were nearly back at the tree hut by then. We finally arrived and Isaac collapsed and I wondered if he had gotten much sleep last night. I woke him up to tell him I was going hunting as we where running out of protein bars. We needed meat. As I made my spear I wondered what there was to hunt on this island. Isaac had said something about wild boar. But maybe I would just go for some wild birds instead. As I reached the bottom of the ladder we had made I stopped and stayed perfectly still. Then involuntarily a let out a blood curling scream I was sure half the island had heard. There was something on the ground it was a turquoise sort of color very snake like but it had legs it had not mouth. It was around 8 meters long and kind of looked like Jordan C in a strange sort of way. It just rolled its eyes at me as if to say "Well your no princess either". Suddenly I had a vision of Jordan C sleeping on a cave floor and changing over night. I was sure that some how this thing was the Jordan I knew and loved, and somehow he had gotten that image into my head. "Hello?" I said with I little uncertainty "who are you". Another image popped into to my head this time it was just Jordan sitting at his desk in school. "I understand Jordan, don't go up until until I tell you to Isaac and I had a long night". He nodded. "Can you hunt" I asked him. He nodded again. "Good can you go hunt some food for us Isaac needs meat right now hes exhausted and we may need the remains of the protein bars later" Then suddenly I noticed the bag on its large back and asked "Jordan would you like to live with us?" He nodded quickly. "OK then give me your bag and I'll go put it up in the tree hut" He took it off and gave it to me "see you soon then". He quickly ran off into the trees. The next hour was insanely boring. I stayed in the tree hut not wanting to be seen by people that may have been passing by. Isaac didn't wake. I heard sounds on the ground below and looked down. Jordan was back but before I could say a word He started up the tree not bothering with the ladder but using suction cups on his feet and hands. He reached the top in record time and quickly handed four birds to me. "Thank you so much Jordan!" Whoops the sound had woken Isaac who yelled at the site of Jordan "Relax Isaac its Jordan he was mutated" Isaac had a look of intense interest on his face. But the look faded and turned to excitement when he saw the bag "is that mine?"
"No its Jordan's"
"Don't worry well find yours soon Isaac"
"OK" thats seemed to give him little hope. Then suddenly he did what most boys will do at the age of 12 "Whats for dinner?"
"Well I was about to start cooking, you can help if you want to"
"Um no thanks" He said quickly
"Well just so you know we are having birds I don't know what kind, Jordan caught them"
"Oh, OK, well what can I do while your cooking?"
"Maybe you could help find some bugs for Jordan to eat"
"OK sure"
"Well then there on the ground there will be millions of them. Just be careful"
"OK bye then"
Then I was alone. Nothing interesting looked like it was going to happen. I was right nothing interesting did happen. I made my way down to the beach. I lit the fire quickly. Plucking the birds took awhile but when it was done they just looked like regular chickens from the supermarkets. Kind of. But they were edible it didn't matter that they looked strange. At 6:00 they were ready to eat. Isaac arrived saying that Jordan had gone to build a cave for himself under the tree hut. So we ate silently. After that we just went top bed nothing strange.
"No its Jordan's"
"Don't worry well find yours soon Isaac"
"OK" thats seemed to give him little hope. Then suddenly he did what most boys will do at the age of 12 "Whats for dinner?"
"Well I was about to start cooking, you can help if you want to"
"Um no thanks" He said quickly
"Well just so you know we are having birds I don't know what kind, Jordan caught them"
"Oh, OK, well what can I do while your cooking?"
"Maybe you could help find some bugs for Jordan to eat"
"OK sure"
"Well then there on the ground there will be millions of them. Just be careful"
"OK bye then"
Then I was alone. Nothing interesting looked like it was going to happen. I was right nothing interesting did happen. I made my way down to the beach. I lit the fire quickly. Plucking the birds took awhile but when it was done they just looked like regular chickens from the supermarkets. Kind of. But they were edible it didn't matter that they looked strange. At 6:00 they were ready to eat. Isaac arrived saying that Jordan had gone to build a cave for himself under the tree hut. So we ate silently. After that we just went top bed nothing strange.
Day three
As we set off in the morning light I wondered what we would find at the silver thing. Treasure. Aliens. Perhaps another group maybe even Mr Woodcock. We wouldn't find out until we got there. We started off at a good pace but soon slowed down there was little conversation on the journey. For this I was thankful. I wasn't really in in the mood to talk. As the day progressed we saw strange things. Lots of birds thought to have been extincted hundreds of years ago. A giant spider ran passed apparently chasing a sent of something or someone. In any case it didn't notice us. finally we were there. It was larger than expected. We heard faint screaming and yelling from what seemed inside "We need food" "help us" were I few things I heard. We decided it was safer to save our own skins and not go in and risk being captured by what every was in there. It was already 3:00 so we just start toward a well shaded spot that I had seen while in the tree. It wasn't long before we were next to the lake and Isaac and I were setting up camp under the trees. We had the last two plums and were of to bed.
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